Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mandala doodle

I have been taking a mindfulness meditation class for the past 6 weeks. It's an 8 week course sponsored by Duke University. It has been wonderful, eye-opening and educational. The best part has been that my meditation practice has become a regular thing in my life. We have learned many different kinds of meditation. When we got to the yoga, I got a big bored since yoga is already a big part of my life. Since the course is conducted via teleconference, I was able to doodle this mandala during the yoga without anyone knowing but in the process realized this is meditation for me too.....

Peace & Light,

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Let's Spread the Love....

I stumbled on the Wonderful "Be....Dream....Play...." blog which captured my interested in art journaling. That led me to Daisy Yellow, which then lead me to Dirty Footprints. Ironically, Valentine's Day was the first day I started the art journaling as a gift to my husband.

Then today I see Dirty Footprints is sponsoring a "Art Journal Love Day". Kismet or what? Now that I put my artwork and your button up, I notice the color story is very interesting!

Now I have the courage to share my work AND win a prize? What took me so long to begin? I love this art journaling community. LOVE IT!

Thank you, Connie, for providing the inspiration!

Peace & Light,

And away we go....

I love art supplies but sometimes have trouble crossing the bridge from supplies to completed work. I think about my artwork, write about it, dream about and now it's time to put paint and pen to paper. This blog will help me journal my progress and your comments are welcome and appreciated....

Peace & Light,